IEEE 1599

Alphabetic list of elements (v1.0)


<!ELEMENT layout (page+, text_font?, music_font?)>
<!ATTLIST layout
   measurement_unit (centimeters | millimeters | inches |
   decimal_inches | points | picas | pixels | twips) #REQUIRED
   hpos_per_unit CDATA #REQUIRED >

Element layout is used to provide information about a standard rendering of Logic layer. The hierarchy employed in this sub-layer is shown in Figure 17: the layout is made of a number of pages, each page contains a number of systems, and finally each system contains a number of staves.

Layout hierarchy
Layout hierarchy: external dotted lines represent page margins, internal dotted rectangles represent systems, the smaller dotted rectangle surrounding pentagram 1 of system 1 represents staff.

Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale
Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via G. Celoria, 18 - 20133 Milano, ITALY
 Google Maps
Goffredo Haus, PAR1599 chair
Phone: +39 02 50316 222
  Luca A. Ludovico, PAR1599 vice-chair
Phone: +39 02 50316 382
Phone: +39 02 50316 382